Tango decreases the price of the Fibre

Enjoy now

This summer, benefit from a €10/month discount for all new Fibre L customers. Additionally, installation and wiring are free.

What is it?

For all new customers, Tango is lowering the price of Fibre L. A discount of €10/month is automatically applied upon subscription, valid for 24 months. Additionally, installation and wiring are free, allowing you to save up to €399.

Fibre L is designed for demanding users. With ultra-fast coverage and next-generation Wi-Fi, you can enjoy 4K and ULTRA HD video streaming on multiple devices. It is ideal for large families and teleworkers seeking impeccable reliability.

Good to know

Subscription can be done online or at Tango shops.

Promotional offer reserved for new customers or existing Tango customers on copper technology (ADSL/VDSL), valid until 31.03.25 inclusive for any new subscription to a Tango Fibre L or Tango Duo XL plan for 24 months. Normal price applies from the 25th month onwards.

Good to know

Subscription can be done online or at Tango shops.

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