Mobile options
All the options for our mobile plans for companies
The Forfait Bloqué+ is the perfect solution to keep control of your company's consumption: all communications not included in your company plan are blocked. And your employees can continue surfing at a slower speed free of charge.
The Tango Europe Pass options are perfectly adapted to professionals who communicate and travel internationally on a regular basis. They include incoming calls, outgoing calls and texts for Europe and the US. The Tango Europe Pass options are simply added to your existing Tango Enterprise subscription.
Would you like to operate globally with your Tango Smart Bizz, Tango Pack Connected, Tango Internet Mobile? Activate World Pass to get between 50 and 300 communication units for outbound and inbound calls, SMS, and internet mobile in and towards a large number of countries worldwide.
With Vodafone Voyager, you get access to calls, SMS, and mobile internet worldwide at a flat daily fee - anytime you need it.
All the options to add to Tango company plan to suit your business needs.
Tango offers you international and roaming options to use your smartphone and tablet in Europe and outside the EU safely and without surprises, as well as internet options.